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2007年于荷兰阿姆斯特丹皇家艺术学院研究生院Sandberg Instituut of Gerrit Rietveld Academie作为交换研究生学习Fine Arts专业。


  • Jiayu Lin, Jiefeng Li, Fang Liu, Jielin Liu, Zhu Zhu, Mingbo Hou, Yingying She, LinLin, and Hang Wu. Supporting Autistic Children's Group Learning in Picture BookReading Activity with Social Robot(C// Proceedings of Interaction Design andChildren 2023 (IDC 2023).(CCF C类,待 EI 检索)

  • Li J, She Y, Liu F, Yu C, Wang X, Xu Y. Augmented Reality Based VideoShooting Guidance for Novice Users[C]. //Proceedings of the ACM onHuman-Computer Interaction, Issue MHCl, Vancouver, Canada,2022: 1-20.(CCF-B 类会议) (EI检索)

  • A context-aware mobile augmented reality pet interaction model to enhance user experience, Computer animation & virtual worlds, SCI, August 2022, 2/4

  • Augmented Reality Based Video Shooting Guidance for Novice Users, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, EI, September 2022, 3/6

  • Bridging Virtual and Reality in Mobile Augmented Reality Applications to Promote Immersive Experience, Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, EI, June 2022, 4/6

  • Ad-designer mode: an interactive approach of guiding non-professional users to make the mobile advertising video, Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium of Chinese CHI, EI, June 2019, 3/6

  • BabeBay: a companion robot for children based on multimodal affective computing, Proceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, EI, March 2019, 3/6

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