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An interaction design model for virtual reality mindfulness meditation using imagery-based transformation and positive feedback

Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds Volume34, Issue3-4 May/August 2023,(CASA)

Supporting autistic children’s group learning in picture book reading activity with a social robot

International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE)

A multi-modal behavior quantitative analysis model for autism early screening

The 2023 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics


Augmented Reality Based Video Shooting Guidance for Novice Users


A Visual-Audio Based Emotion Recognition System Integrating
Dimensional Analysis

IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems

Using a social robot for children with autism: A therapist-robot interactive mode

Computer Graphics International 2022

A context-aware mobile augmented reality pet interaction model to enhance user experience

Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds

Landscape Rippling: Context-based water-mediated interaction design

Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds

See through them: a framework for inferring the cognitive states of puzzle game players via eye gaze

Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Games Systems

Bridging Virtual and Reality in Mobile Augmented Reality Applications to Promote Immersive Experience

International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces

Out of theater: Interactive Mixed-reality Performance for Intangible Culture Heritage Glove Puppetry

Chinese CHI

An Approach of Short Advertising Video Generation Using Mobile Phone Assisted by Robotic Arm

Computer Graphics International (CGI)



The Effectiveness of A Therapist-Robot Interactive (TRI) Model to Teach Autistic Children

Convention of Association for Behavior International

"Xiaoyu from the Stars": An interactive popularization design to let people know about autistic children

Chinese CHI




Ad-designer mode: an interactive approach of guiding non-professional users to make the mobile advertising video

Chinese CHI

BabeBay-A Companion Robot for Children Based on Multimodal Affective Computing

ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI)

Advertising video automatic visual effects processing for a novel mobile application

International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

Human-marionette interaction puppetry using mechanical arm and L-shaped screen

SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Posters

A multimodal affective computing approach for children companion robots

Chinese CHI

A Robot for Interactive Glove Puppetry Performance

Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA)

HinHRob: A Performance Robot for Glove Puppetry

SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 Posters

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